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L'annuaire Greentrade

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Offre N°
Fruits legumes
Fruits secs
Description : Abricots secs, figues séchées, raisins sultanines, raisins thompson,dattes deglet nour, dattes medjool, noisettes, amandes, noix, noix de cajou, ananas séché, mangue séchée, tomate séchée, noix de coco, citron confit, orange confite
Boissons alcoolisées (apéritifs, bière, cidre, champagne,eau de vie, vin)
Description : Ecologic wine is the result of the elaboration of organically treated grapes, with no chemical products, returning to the natural fertilizer which derive from organic matter and organic waste, copper sulphate, and sulphures, treating the land the same way it was in the past, but with the implementation of leguminous which gives nutrients to the ground.
Soil Association Certification Ltd
Description : We manufacture a complete range of certified organic mattresses both pocket sprung and latex at our factory in Wales. We also make cot matresses and mattresses for moses baskets.

All our products our hand made and can be made to any size and our Soil Association Certified.
Produits sucres
Autres produits sucres
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and honey-fruit compote to pure 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Produits sucres
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and honey-fruit compote to pure 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Produits sucres
Bio-gro New Zealand
Miel, gelée royale, tous produits de la ruche
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and honey-fruit compote to pure 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Bio-gro New Zealand
Autres intrans
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and honey-fruit compote to pure 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Pâtes à tartiner
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and honey-fruit compote to pure 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Produits diététiques
Bio-gro New Zealand
Autres produits dietetiques
Description : UMF Manuka honey with excellent medicinal and health properties. Sold in Bulk 200L drums or specialty 250g retail packs.
Produits diététiques
Compléments alimentaires
Description : UMF Manuka honey with excellent medicinal and health properties. Sold in Bulk 200L drums or specialty 250g retail packs.
Produits traiteurs
Autres produits traiteurs
Description : Specialty Gourmet Honey products ranging from 200ml Honeygar and comb honey sections to 250g NZ native honeys such as Manuka, Pohutukawa, Tawari, and Rewa Rewa. Visit our website: to view our full range.
Produits de la mer
Autres produits de la mer
Description : Langosmar is an organic shrimp farm certified by Quality Certigication Services (Q.C.S.). It\'s located in Ecuador and it produces white banamei.
Epices condiments
Bcs-oko Garantie Gmbh
Épices, poivres
Description : Worldwide operating with spices and mixtures for industry and retail trade.
Organic/conventional spices,versatile production
Control Union
Pâtes à tartiner
Description : High quality fruit jams in various fruit and combinations of fruit. Also Apple puree and apple puree with other fruit combinations in organic available. We are strong in developing the right fruit jam together with our customers.
Produits diététiques
Produits de l?effort
Description : contamos con miel de agave organica capacidad de producción de 300 toneladas mensuales.

esta miel la pueden consumir los diabeticos hasta militus 2 la pueen consumir los bebes ya que no provoca alergias y se puede utilizar como suplemento alimenticio.

contmaos con oficinas en Guadalajara, DF, San Luis, Aguascalientes y la mariz en Leon Gto. buscamos distribuidores.
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Agence Bio



Inter Bio Bretagne
